
Showing posts from May, 2023


HOW DOES THE INTERNET WORK?      A lot of people think it's a cloud, something that's hanging around in the sky.It's super complex, super difficult to understand, but actually, that's not it at all.The Internet is pretty simple.All it is is just a long piece of wire.And wire connects different computers to each other.So you might have one computer that's in Delhi and another one in Sydney, and they can talk to each other and transfer data through this giant wire.And these wires also called Submarine Cables.      There are massive underseas cables connecting all the continents on Earth.These underseas cables are massive , consisting, each of them using lasers to transmit up to 400GB of data per second. Submarine Cable map      Some computers attached the Internet have a very special job.They have to be online 24/7, ready to serve us all the data and files that we are requesting when we try to access a website these are called servers.What they do is they serve you al