A lot of people think it's a cloud, something that's hanging around in the sky.It's super complex, super difficult to understand, but actually, that's not it at all.The Internet is pretty simple.All it is is just a long piece of wire.And wire connects different computers to each other.So you might have one computer that's in Delhi and another one in Sydney, and they can talk to each other and transfer data through this giant wire.And these wires also called Submarine Cables.

    There are massive underseas cables connecting all the continents on Earth.These underseas cables are massive , consisting, each of them using lasers to transmit up to 400GB of data per second.

Submarine Cable map

    Some computers attached the Internet have a very special job.They have to be online 24/7, ready to serve us all the data and files that we are requesting when we try to access a website these are called servers.What they do is they serve you all the data and files you need to be able to access and interact
with certain websites.So these computers are called servers, and any computer that a user would use to access the Internet is called a client.

    Let's say that we're sitting at home on our computer and we type in because we want to head over to the main Google home page.Then, our browser will send that message to our Internet service provider(ISP).So these people who you pay to be able to access the Internet.In  INDIA, the ISP  will be JIO,  AIRTEL, BSNL etc.

    Now the message that we're sending the ISP is I want to see and the ISP will then relay that message to something called a DNS server, which stands for a domain name system server.When we make that request through your browser is the DNS server will look up in its database to find the exact IP address of that website that we're trying to access and every single computer that's connected to the Internet has an IP address.It's kind of like a postal code for your computer so that when people need to send and receive files on the Internet, each computer can be located and contacted using their unique IP address. And once the DNS server finds that IP address, it will send it back to our browser through the ISP, over the internet.and we can interct with that data. 

We can find the IP address of a website using NsLookup . 

I hope you find this article helpful 😊. 

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